Aérogénérateur connecté au réseau (on and off-shore)

Centrale électrique

Cabeólica Santiago - Monte São Filipe

The Cabeólica Wind Project comprises four small, separate wind parks on four of Cabo Verde's nine inhabited islands. The parks have a combined generation capacity of 25.5 MW and were commissioned between December 2011 and July 2012.

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Centrale eolienne de 25,2 MW qui sera installée à Lomé.

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Parque Eolico de Santo Antão

The Electric Wind project in Santo Antão is the first renewable energy IPP experience in Cabo Verde. After six years of operation the project may be considered a successful case of a small wind farm that is integrated into an isolated and weak electric grid.

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Katsina Wind

The project is still under construction. The expected year of commissioning was 2012.

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AFC - Africa Finance Corporation

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EleQtra (InfraCo) LTD / EleQtra (West Africa) LTD

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Cabeólica Wind Farm

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Brava 100% Renovável

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Estudo de sitio e de viabilidade técnico-financeira de um parque eólico na ilha de São Nicolau, associado a uma unidade de dessalinização já em implementação

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P. Eolico de Achada da Mostarda

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Wind Farm to be built in Lomé

In September 2012, the Government of Togo has signed a consession contract with the Eco Delta company for the construction and operation of a 25.2 MW

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