
OLD Country Indicator

Coal plants installed capacity

Total installed capacity of power plants connected to the National electrical grid using coal as main fuel

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Net metering. R03

Allows a two-way flow of electricity between the electricity distribution grid and customers with their own generation. Customers pay only for the net electricity used.

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Tradable REC. R06

Certificates provide a tool for trading and meeting renewable energy obligations among consumers and/or producers, and also a means for voluntary green power purchases. They operate by offering 'green certificates' for every kWh or MWh generated by a renewable producer.

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Energy production payment. F04

Direct payment of the government per unit of renewable energy produced.

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Capital subsidy, grant, or rebate. F01

This group of fiscal policy types is characterized by one-time payments by the government to cover a percentage of the capital cost of an investment.

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Public competitive bidding. P02

A tendering system by which contracts to construct and operate specific projects or fixed quantities of renewable capacity are awarded.  Bidding for renewable power capacity can be done at the national or sub-national levels.

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Electric utility quota obligation. R02

Generally called Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), renewables obligations or quota policies. A standard requiring that a minimum percentage of generation sold or capacity installed is provided by renewable energy. Obligated utilities are required to ensure that the target is met.

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Heavy Fuel installed capacity

Total Capacity installed of power plants connected to the National electrical grid using Heavy Fuel as main fuel

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Cassava Suitability

Climate suitability for the production of Cassava

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Sweet Sorghum Suitability

Climate suitability for the production of Sweet Sorghum

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Groundnut Suitability

Climate suitability for production of Groundnut

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Camelina Suitability

Climate suitability for the production of Camelina

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Forestry resources (wood)

Forestry Wood resources used for electricity generation

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Large Hydro (above 30MW) installed capacity

Total Capacity installed of power plants connected to the National electrical grid using Large Hydro (above 30MW) as the source of electricity

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Jatropha suitability

Climate suitability for the production of Jatropha

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Crambe Suitability

Climate suitability for the production of Crambe

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Castor Suitability

Climate suitability for the production of Castor

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Animal manure

Quantity of animal manure used for energy production

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Slaughtery waste

Slaughtery waste resources used for electricity generation

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Urban liquid waste (sewage)

Quantity of Sewage used for energy production

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