Financial indicators


Rapport de Progrès Régionaux sur les Énergies Renouvelables, l'Efficacité Énergétique et l'Accès à l'Énergie dans la région de la CEDEAO

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From Vision to Coordinated Action - Consolidation of SE4ALL Action Agendas, National Renewable Energy Action Plans, and National Energy Efficiency Action Plans of the ECOWAS region countries

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Solar PV in Africa: Costs and Markets

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Africa Energy Outlook

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World Bank Interactive Applications to support energy planning and monitoring and evaluation

The World Bank recently released the ENERGYDATA.INFO platform with the aim of making open data and analytics on the energy sector increasingly available. Among different sections and datasets, the platform has a specific entry with interactive applications to support energy plannig, rural elecrification and monitoring and evaluation activities. Users have access to different tools, among which it could be highlighted under our special focus in West Africa: the Africa Electricity Grid Explorer, the Off-grid Market Opportunities application, the Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy, the Global Tracking Framework application, Electrification Paths and Climatescope.

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CP (Data Definition)

A taxa de juro utilizada para converter um fluxo de futuros rendimentos  no seu valor atual.

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Taux utilisé pour convertir un flux de revenus futurs à sa valeur actuelle.

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interest rate used to convert a future income stream to its present value

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