Grande Hydroélectricité (Barrage, Pompage, Stockage))

Centrale électrique

Amaria (TBEA)

Status: Under construction since February 2018
River: Konkoure
Expected year of commisioning: 2020 - 2022
Dam Height (m): not available
Volume (Hm3): not available
Lake area (Km2): not available

Project developer: TBEA (China)

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Saltinho Phase 2

The project was first evaluated by ECREEE (SKM).

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River: Oyan
Year of commisioning: 1983
Dam height (m): 30
Volume (Hm3): 270
Lake area (Km2): 44

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Guidelines for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of Electric Power Generation and Transmission Systems in West Africa

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Technical Report on Methodology and Lessons Learnt for ECOWAS Countries- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Togo Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Sierra Leone Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Senegal Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Nigeria Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Niger Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Mali Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Benin Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Liberia Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Guinea Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Guinea-Bissau Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Ghana Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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The Gambia Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Côte d'Ivoire Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Burkina Faso Country Report- GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping and Climate Change Scenarios for the ECOWAS Region

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Liberian Hydrological Services Open Database

Since 2011, the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate is assisting the Liberian Hydrological Service in upgrading the Liberian hydrometric network. The project established 10 hydrometric stations in the principal river basins and it trained the LHS staff. After 30-years long break, the flows of Liberian rivers again are gauged and hydrological data are available to users. Continuous collection of hydrological data is particularly important for the ongoing and future hydropower studies and projects.

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