
OLD Country Indicator

Agro-industrial solid waste

Solid Waste from biomass materials produced mainly from food and fibre processing industries

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Installed capacity grid Connected diesel plants

Total installed capacity of power plants connected to the National electrical grid using diesel as main fuel

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Installed capacity of Gas power plants

Total installed capacity of power plants connected to the National electrical grid using Natural Gas as main fuel

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Installed capacity of Isolated diesel plants

Total Installed Capacity of isolated power plants connected to the National electrical grid using Diesel as main fuel

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Cashew suitability

Climate suitability for the production of Cashew

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Bio-energy Production

Quantity of electricity generated from bio-energy resources

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Bioenergy Installed Capacity

Installed Capacity of power plants using bioenergy as main fuels

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Solar PV Installed Capacity

Total installed Capacity of Solar PV power plants connected to the National electricity grid

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SHP Energy Production

Quantity of electricity generated from Small Hydroelectric Power

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Slaughtery waste Technical Potential

Theoretical electricity generation potential from animal slaughtery waste product

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Animal manure Technical Potential

Theoretical electricity generation potential from animal manure

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Solar PV Off Grid Installed Capacity

Installed Capacity of Solar PV power plants not connected to the National electricity grid

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GHI 6 - 6.5 kWh/m2/d range in % of the territory

% of the national territory (surface) with an estimated annual average Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) between 6 and 6.5 kWh/m2/d

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Biofuels Installed Capacity

Installed Capacity of Bio-fuels power plants

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Installed Wind Power Capacity

Total installed Capacity of wind power plants

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Solar PV Energy production

Quantity of electricity generated from PV power plants connected to the National electricity grid

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Solar PV (Off Grid) Energy production

Quantity of electricity generated  from Solar PV power plants not connected to the National electricity grid

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Small Hydro Power Technical Potential

Theoretical electricity generation potential from SHP, obtained from SHP resource and the technical limitations of SHP plants

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GHI More than 7 kWh/m2/d range in % of the territory

% of the national territory (surface) with an estimated annual average Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) higher than 7 kWh/m2/d

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Urban solid waste

Solid Waste coming from all kinds of biomass materials produced in a urban areas

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